There are countless numbers of weight loss products on the market today that make impossible claims of how their pills will make the fat just miraculously burn off. These companies are not worried about the product actually working. They only need to sell you their grossly overpriced pills once to make a profit. Or, they may trick you by getting your credit card number and continuing to ship you bottles you don’t want. Even if you do find a place that offers some answers to your questions, the pill is usually so full of ingredients that are harmful to you that it can’t possibly be a permanent solution. Health and beauty go hand and hand, so to really achieve your goals you must find a healthy permanent solution you can stick to… and afford. Acai Berry Pure Bulk has just what you need.
We carry only the finest 100% pure organic Acai Berry powder. Our powder comes from the Amazon jungles of Brazil and is made from the nutritious skin and pulp of the berry, discarding the seed. Our product is freeze dried (not spray dried) to preserve the precious antioxidants, adding to its premium quality. Acai Berry is one of nature’s ultimate super foods, so why mess with the best.
We don’t put our berry in over priced capsules; you would have to take 12 capsules a day to get the minimum serving of Acai powder. And, our powder is not diluted in juices with many added calories, too little Acai, and a higher price tag. In fact, some of the most overpriced Acai products barely have any actual Acai berry in them. Besides, the best pure Acai should taste good without any additives, so why would you need to hide the taste.
We package our pure Acai powder in vacuum-sealed bags and deliver it fresh to you: absolutely no added fillers, carriers, artificial colors or harmful preservatives. This wonderful tasting powder can be added to your favorite drinks, shakes, yogurt, cereal or plain water. I love the taste of it and like to take it right off the spoon, followed by a large glass of refreshing water.
I take my Acai powder in the afternoon, right after lunch, to give me a burst of energy and help get me through that sleepy afternoon feeling. I’m totally addicted to this miracle berry - and it’s a good thing! Besides the instant gratification I get from it, I could go on and on about the many health benefits of Acai berries- like the Omega fatty acids 3, 6 & 9, it’s rich source of antioxidants, anthocyanin (also found in red wine) phytosterols for cholesterol and blood sugar support, and, of course, it’s super high orac value.
The high concentration of nutrients in the Acai berry makes it an ideal, and healthy weight loss aid. We make loosing weight the healthy way affordable with our one-pound bulk packaged powder (a four-month supply) for only $55 and we have larger sizes available at even greater savings. Check us out at and remember: buy bulk and save!