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Why you are Unlikely to find what you want in a Formula that Repairs Dry Skin

Posted by sika rivadedy nugroho Monday, March 15, 2010

Zymaderm Treatment for Molluscum Contagiosum .5 fl oz (15 ml)Let's face it. You may be in the market for a formula that repairs dry skin, but you are unlikely to find what you are looking for among the top skin care products. The majority of the formulas that are out there leave a lot to be desired so far as the ingredients that they contain. Despite bringing in billions of dollars per year the major cosmetics companies are giving you very little back.
The cosmetics companies enjoy taking your money, but the only thing they give you in return are the lowest quality ingredients they can possibly get their hands on. You see, these companies are in business for profit, and they are not really concerned with whether or not you are successful in revitalizing your skin. It makes me wonder why so many people still buy their products.

The typical formula that these companies claim repairs dry skin really gives you nothing that will benefit your skin at all. What these formulas they are providing you with are little more than chemically based synthetics, which can't help you to achieve your goals at all. Synthetic compounds simply lack the potency that all natural ingredients provide.
These manmade compounds provide your skin with only a fraction of the essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that you need in order to keep your skin healthy. The fact is that these chemically based compounds can actually do you more harm than good. Most of the chemical agents regularly used in skin care formulas have the potential to cause you great physical harm.
The cosmetics companies don't want you to know it, but the vast majority of the chemical agents that go into their products are either toxic, or carcinogenic. It is just not worth applying a formula that you buy because it supposedly repairs dry skin if it is going to damage your organs, or cause you to develop cancer. This is especially true if the formula is not equipped to add moisture to the skin.
Most of the low grade moisturizers on the market feature petroleum based compounds such as petrolatum, mineral oil, and paraffin wax. These ingredients are popular among the cosmetics companies because they are readily available, and cheap to use. They won't add moisture to the skin, because the skin cannot absorb them due to their density.
If you want a formula that truly repairs dry skin, then you have to find something that is all natural. A product containing plant derived oils, waxes, and extracts will moisturize the skin thoroughly, because these compounds possess properties that make deep penetration possible. They will also provide your skin with all of the essential nutrients that it needs in order to remain healthy.
Make no mistake about it. It is a lot more difficult to find an all natural product that repairs dry skin effectively, but once you get your hands on one you will see why it is worth going to the trouble to find. Choose to go all natural when it comes to your skin, and you will see a major difference in how your skin looks and feels.
Visit my site to learn about more amazing natural skin care substances you have probably never heard of.


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